Founder, Micah Buck, had a vision over a decade ago to create a brand and image that was the embodiment of being a Guardian in life. Part of this inspiration was pushed further from his deep love and relationship he had with his Grandfather that served in World War II and later died August 11th, 2015.

His last words and legacy continues to live on through Micah's life. - "To never settle, pursue your dreams, remain faithful and loyal, and Be a Guardian for all those who can not fight for themselves."

GUARDIAN Apparel is the clothing brand of GUARDIAN-USA and is inspired and created by the life and military experiences of Micah Buck and those closet to him. It is a brand created by combat vets to bring a guardian way of life to the everyday American citizen.


  • Special Forces Dagger - V-42 -The silent elite, that we may not know their names and their sacrifices but we know they are there ever watchful.
  • Lighting Bolt - Always be Swift and Deadly as Lighting strikes in life.
  • Tomahawk - for War and Peace. In the Native American culture it was a peace offering as well as a weapon of war.
  • Spartan Helmet - Loyalty and courage of the fight within the warrior that to dawn all you must be dangerous in Meekness.